Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The FFA Creed: Part 2

The FFA Creed
By E.M. Tiffany

2nd Paragraph:
"I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny."

Photo Credit-Keeping It Real: Through the Lens of a Farm Girl (https://www.facebook.com/lens.of.a.farm.girl or http://www.erinehnle.com/proofing/pages.php?gid=38)

I have spent my whole life living and working on my family's farm/ranch.  I have experienced both the pleasant and challenging aspects of agricultural life, but I wouldn't give up either of them!  Although many long and cold hours are spent in our calving barn, there is no better feeling than welcoming a new born baby calf into this amazing world that God has created for us!  While fixing fence in 95 degree weather with no wind and high humidity isn't exactly my idea of fun, the memories I have made working alongside my dad, mom, and three sisters are ones that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  If there were not discomforts of this way of life, we would not be as appreciative for the joys that we experience.


  1. Alix-

    I just want to say, I am proud of you for what you are doing through this blog. We need more "AGvoates" like you. Keep on sharing the word and telling your authentic story- that's what is exciting to read!

    From a state over (Iowa) and still a brother in blue and gold,


  2. Steven~
    Your comment means so much...thanks! I love getting to share these aspects of my life!

  3. Replies
    1. keep your negative thoughts to yourself

  4. This is Mr.Flanagan i quit.

  5. i thougnt it was great

  6. Wow this is really going to help me out. I have a competition this Friday for this paragraph, and also parliamentary procedure. Wish me luck and great job on this.
